Every home is a slide puzzle
I love a good analogy, and here’s my new favorite that I want to shout from the rooftops— all homes are a slide puzzle! If you’re feeling stuck about a space in your home, it can feel like puzzle pieces that can’t move. There may be too many pieces in the slide puzzle (stuff in our homes), and some need to come out (be donated, recycled, or trashed) so the puzzle pieces (items) can shift again.
I’m Ron Burgundy?
To take this a step further—- I believe EVERY home has puzzle pieces with wiggle room. Look for a stuffed closet, a storage area, or unpacked boxes. Maybe some wiggly items (things no longer being used) can be donated to make space for items in the main living areas that don’t need to stay there. Quick truth: Even after things get donated, the pieces aren’t in the right places quite yet. No worries; step two is coming right up!
We see this in almost every home. An item in the kitchen that is only used 2-4x a year. Could it move to a storage/out-of-the-way area and bump out (donate) a box of home decor from a room where you changed the style years ago? Then, viola, a small appliance can move off the counter into the kitchen item’s old space (presuming it’s not used daily). The stuff in our homes is part of a slide puzzle! We keep working and shifting things until everything is in the right place.
The end puzzle is the peaceful, organized home you’re envisioning. We are experts at asking good questions to learn how + where you use your items. Then we shift + organize so everything is in its best place. This is our favorite part!
If you want to play the slide puzzle game, here are some questions to ask yourself.
Where do I use this? Can you store the item near where it’s used?
How often do I use this? If it's used daily or weekly, keep it in an easy-to-reach spot! If it’s used once a month or less, keep it further from your high-traffic areas.
And if this feels overwhelming, you know where to find us! We’d love to help you put those puzzle pieces in order so you can have more peace + calm in your home and mind.