Neuro spicy friends and family members, welcome!
I’m so glad you’re here! I received a later in life (40s) ADHD diagnosis— and it made my entire life make sense (in reverse). Especially my struggle to get and stay organized when there is ANY added stress in my life.
Many of the people we serve live in a neurodivergent home so I wanted to make this page just for you! (Oh, and half the team has ADHD or AuDHD so we GET you!)
I broke my ideas into bullet points below. If you prefer the long version, which gives a shout-out to Beyoncé, I have a blog at the end of this page for you.
And if you’re wondering how I could possibly help you if I also have ADHD? It is the magic and the gift of ADHD! My brain wants to solve problems all day. So a new home is a puzzle for my brain to figure out— while generating ideas to run past you to see what will be most helpful to you and easiest for your brain to maintain. Still unsure? Read our Google reviews!
Do any of these feel familiar?
You struggle with where or how to start organizing
There’s no system for incoming paper
You have an idea in your head, you just need help carrying it out
You want everything to have a place so you can find it when you need it
You’ve started to get organized, but need help finishing the project(s)
Embarrassment or shame because you feel like you “should” be able to get organized on your own
If you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist
Paperwork is stored in bags and boxes, some to none of it organized
You've passed your limit of what you can handle in the home
Here are some true things:
Just because we struggle to keep a tidy home doesn’t mean we’re not good people. We’re good at other things! Tidyness and our worth are not related.
You are not lazy. You might be depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or TIRED, but you’re not lazy.
You might be using up your executive functioning skills at work, leaving little for home.
Maybe it’s not fun to get organized. Yet something is telling you that this could help you get more organized in your space and in mind, too. (Science agrees with you!)
Having another person helps you stay motivated / focused.
You deserve a peaceful place to come home to and go out from each day!
Asking for help is brave.
We aim for functionality first. And if you want your space to be pretty, we can absolutely do that. Our first priority is creating an organizing system that works for you and your unique brain.
This is going to be fun!
If you’re not sure where to start, or how to start, but you know where you want it to end? Amazing, we can help with that. If you can’t picture the end, but know things need to change. We can meet you there! If you want to let go of things but need some help talking things through, that’s one of our specialties!
We are a team that is made up of ADHD and Autism ourselves, so we speak it fluently! We have creative ideas for days and all sorts of mental tricks up our sleeves (for motivation- we use our powers for good). We understand you and your family. And we’re here to help!